(Íslenska) Opið fyrir umsóknir Open call دعوة†مفتوحة Otwarte zaproszenie

Open call
Autumn exhibition 2021 at the Living Art Museum

Opið fyrir umsóknir
Otwarte zaproszenie

For the past few years, the Living Art Museum has sent out an open call for the annual autumn exhibition of the museum. The aim of this open call was to give a platform for the diversity of the Icelandic art scene. In the wake of current civil protests (which have begun with the important voices of black and mixed minority people in the United States, that has now expanded into a global transformation) it has become clear to the museum that we have not fully reflected the diversity of cultures and experiences that characterize the life and art in Iceland. As a first step, to promote diversity, and the recognition and articulation of people’s experiences, the board of Nýló has decided to look further into our annual call for exhibition proposals:

Applications are now open for the Living Art Museum’s autumn exhibition for the year 2021. This call is especially directed at individuals and groups whose voices have so far not received a sufficient sound basis. We encourage people from different backgrounds, whether they are members of the Living Art Museum or not, to submit a proposal. We especially look to the LGBT+ community, Icelanders of foreign origin, mixed Icelanders, immigrant Icelanders, and people who find themselves voiceless within the socio-political structure to share their work with us. In order to ensure diversity, and counteract hidden bias, the board will create a special selection committee.

The Living Art Museum should be a force for change, both due to the Museums status as a recognized museum and public institution, and in light of the museum’s history. The main purpose of the founding of the Living Art Museum in 1978 was, first and foremost, to open the eyes of the art world and the public to the innovative and changing subjects of contemporary artists, and one of the museum’s goals is to serve as a forum for critical thinking and discussion.

With this open application process, we want to counteract any kind of discrimination that takes place in our society today; – such as racial inequality, and the suppression of marginalized groups and cultures.
We want to work for the participation of all, in order to fight against the silencing tactics of oppressive structures, and the “us and the others” way of thinking – to offer stories and topics, that have so far been put aside, to the forefront of the contemporary scene. With this call, we want to promote a multi-voiced, open art scene, which respects the experiences of our creative community.

Practical issues
Both solo and group exhibitions are possible.
The application must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae, together with a short description of the content, and content that the person in question intends to work from in the planned exhibition (maximum 250 words). The proposal shall also include information on technical issues and installation. In addition, five photos of previous works must be included. For time-related works, videos or audio works, insert a link that leads directly to Vimeo, Youtube, or similar services. Please do not email videos or audio works directly; links only. Applications and all relevant material, except for time-related works, must be sent in one coherent PDF document. The files may not be larger than 10 MB.
Applications that do not comply with the requested requirements and guidelines, or if any documents are missing, will not be considered.
Applications must be received before midnight, 4 October 2020, to the e-mail address nylo@gamla.nylo.is marked “application_2021”. Printed applications will not be accepted. Inquiries will be sent to the same email address.

In short:
The application deadline is: 04.10.2020, at 23:59
A response to the application will be received no later than two weeks later
Exhibition period: Autumn 2021 (August-September)

Click for announcement in Icelandic, Polish and Arabic.