Open position for an internship at The Living Art Museum

The Living Art Museum has an open position for one intern for 3- 5 months during the period May to September. This is the position for an exhibition assistant / administrative assistant.

A three month term allows every intern to see the process of putting together an exhibition from start to finish.

Within these parameters, scheduling is very flexible. All intern positions are unpaid.

Please submit your résumé in good advance of the time you would like to apply for.

This position will involve exhibition installation and assisting our curator on various tasks for our next two exhibitions; solo exhibition of artist Katie Paterson (UK) and retrospective of icelandic artist Ásta Ólafsdóttir. In addition our intern will take care of practical everyday task at the museum such as invigilation of our exhibitions, guiding guests and handling our social media.

In addition to putting up exhibitions, the museum is always involved with a number of special projects, such as programming in and around exhibitions, symposiums and other events. Interns may be specifically assigned to these projects.

The Living Art Museum is a non-profit and artist-run organization, which means that everyone is involved in everything.

Interns must be dedicated, independent, meticulous, creative and interested in culture. Interns are expected to willingly assist in the everyday administrative tasks that are crucial to the running of the museum, such as making coffee, sending e-mails, painting walls and running errands.

All staff members are equally involved with these tasks, which we consider no less important to the museum than putting together exhibitions or researching works from the collection. We particularly encourage applicants curious about all aspects of running an artist-run institution.

Résumés can be sent with the subject line “Internship” to nylo(at)