Archive for March, 2020

The Living Art Museum is temporarily closed

Mar 23 2020 Published by under Uncategorized

Dear guests,

The situation changes quickly. In light of stricter public gathering ban the Living Art Museum will be closed as of tomorrow, Tuesday March 24. This is done in order to restrict the corona-virus outrbeak and according to the authorities, the museum will be closed until April 13. However, as experience has shown, this might change but we will let you know, here in the news section of our homepage, when we will open again.

While the museum is closed, the staff of the Living Art Museum will be working solely from home. That means that the office phone will not be answered during this period and all inquiries should be sent to nylo(at) We will make sure to respond quickly.

Although there will be little life at the office in the coming weeks we have plenty to do, working on with the collection, communication and organising future exhibitions and events. We are delighted to announce that we received a generous support from the Icelandic Museum Council for the development of a new webiste, which will hopefully be launched this year.

Since we are not able to welcome visitors at the museum, we are now working hard, together with Kling & Bang on bringing our current exhibition, Erling Klingenberg by Erling T. V. Klingenberg to those of you sitting at home.

We will also highlight some of our previous exhibitions, selected gems from our collection and other things we might think of. The Living Art Museum’s reading club will continue to provide texts to read at home, and in the coming weeks we will present an exciting collaborative project between us and students from Iceland University of the Arts and the University of Iceland. Stay tuned for more info, to be announced here on our website and our facebook and instagram profiles.

We are looking forward to greeting you yet again at the museum at brighter, corona-free times!

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The Living Art Museum during the era of COVID-19 pandemic

Mar 17 2020 Published by under Uncategorized

Dear Guests,

The Living Art Museum will stay open during the ban of public events, but all museum events have been cancelled. We keep a close eye on the development here in Iceland, are extra careful with hygiene and desinfect contact surfaces regularly every day. We monitor the amount of visiting guests and ensure that guests maintain a reasonable distance between them, and have access to wash basins, soap and alcohol.

The museum’s opening hours remain more or less the same, with the exception of special Thursday night openings, which will be cancelled over the next four weeks. The museum is therefore open every Tuesday-Sunday between 12 and 6 pm.

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Lestrarfélag Nýló: Heimalestur

Mar 16 2020 Published by under Uncategorized

Lestrarfélag Nýlistasafnsins


Lesefni: Understanding Debt as the Basis of Social Life úr bókinni The Making of the Indebtet Man –An Essay on the Neoliberal Condition eftir Maurizio Lazzarato

Patrik Killoran valdi lesefni

Kæru Lestrarfélagar, 
Slagorð síðasta Feneyjartvíærings, „May You Live in Interesting Times“ hefur svo sannarlega gengið eftir. Covid-19 hefur dagskrárvaldið þessa dagana og allir leggja sitt á vogarskálarnar til að hefta útbreiðslu veirunnar, en um leið finna leiðir til að gera lífið ánægjulegra.

Lestrarfélag Nýlistasafnsins hefur því ákveðið að bjóða upp á heimalestur í þessari viku, og hvetjum við fulltrúa safnsins til að ræða um textann á facebook hópnum okkar (Fulltrúar Nýlistasafnsins). Bandaríski myndlistamaðurinn Patrik Killoran, sem hefur verið gestalistamaður við Listháskólann, valdi lesefnið og til stóð að hann myndi stýra umræðum en hann er nú, af skiljanlegum ástæðum, snúinn aftur til heimalands síns. Patrik valdi kafla úr bókinni The Making of the Indebtet Man eftir ítalska félagsfræðinginn og heimspekinginn Maurizio Lazzarato. 

Lesefnið má nálgast með því að smella hér eða skrifa okkur tölvupóst á nylo(hjá)

Facebook hópur fyrir fulltrúa safnsins ber hinn gegnsæja titil Fulltrúar Nýlistasafnsins, og ættu flestir félagar sem eru á facebook að hafa aðgang að hópnum. Hægt er að biðja um aðgang með því að skrifa okkur tölvupóst. 

Góðar lestrarstundir heima!

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Visit us


  • The Living Art Museum
  • The Marshall House
  • Grandagarður 20
  • 101 Reykjavík
  • Iceland

Opening hours

  • Wed to Sun 12 – 18
  • Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays

Public Transportation

  • Bus number: 14
  • Stop: Grandi


  • T: +354 551 4350
  • E: nylo(at)

Book a guided tour

